

About Malcolm

For over 30 years, Malcolm has entertained countless children with his enthusiastic and spellbinding magic. He is one of the top children’s entertainers in the South and his warm and friendly personality will ensure all your guests are included in the fun and laughter. Malcolm is a highly experienced and popular magician, having entertained children all over the world!

Should I or Shouldn’t I?

By | April 26th, 2018|Categories: Magical|

I guess a lot of parents ask themselves the above question when they’re considering booking a children’s entertainer for their child’s party. Surely I can manage on my own? I’m great with children! How hard can it be? Well, of course it is completely possible to do it on your own but haven’t you got enough [...]

The Demise of The Yellow Pages

By | March 6th, 2017|Categories: Magical|

I’ve been doing this job a long time. Whilst having a clear out of the loft at my mum’s house, I came across the above photo. This is my 17 year old self in a professional photo taken for an flyer I had printed to advertise my show. That was 30 years ago! While I may [...]

My Christmas

By | January 10th, 2017|Categories: Magical|

With over 70 shows in my diary for the run up to Christmas, I couldn’t believe it when I opened my eyes on 1st December and realised I had a cold coming! Nightmare. Why is it that such things always strike you down when you can do without them the most? I took myself off to [...]

My Magical Christmas

By | November 18th, 2016|Categories: Magical|

As I write this, its a little over 5 weeks till THE BIG DAY!  I’ve no idea how that happened as it only feels like five minutes since I was on my Summer hols!  Time sure flies. Things are just about to get seriously busy for me.  The run up to Christmas is probably my busiest [...]

Wedding Magic

By | November 1st, 2016|Categories: Magical|

As I have a big day coming up myself next year, I thought I’d talk about weddings, why hiring a professional magician for your wedding is a great idea and what to look out for when booking one! A magician performing at your wedding will relax your guests and get them mixing and laughing. There’ll be [...]

A Blast From The Past

By | October 5th, 2016|Categories: Magical|

I had a call yesterday from a mum wanting to book a birthday party for her little boy.  This happens all the time (thankfully!) but this call was a bit different.  The mum in question told me how she used to come and watch me perform at a local social club when she was a little [...]

You’ll like this. Not a lot …. but you’ll like it!

By | September 16th, 2016|Categories: Magical|

You’ll like this.  Not a lot …. but you’ll like it! Magic is quite sexy nowadays, quite trendy. Lots of young, hip magicians performing fast paced, mind boggling tricks quite often on the street and quite often to a young audience. Its had a bit of a resurgence on the TV too. Everyone is familiar with [...]

Back to School

By | September 5th, 2016|Categories: Magical|

Well didn’t Summer go quickly?!  I can’t believe how quickly the school holidays passed by and suddenly everybody is looking all smart and ready for another year at school!  I’ve had a very busy time working my magic this Summer.  From lots of end of term school parties and fetes to a wonderful time performing regularly [...]


By | September 2nd, 2016|Categories: Magical|

Welcome to my new Blog. This is a new venture for me and I hope to be able to update regularly with any thoughts or events which might interest you! I’m so happy with my new website - the first update for a good few years! The old website served me well but I feel that [...]